Off the Beaten Track
It has become very easy over this last year or so to come adrift from the twenty-first century. Most of the moments I enjoy could have happened to anybody in the last three hundred years, the last thousand, maybe longer.
Back and Forth
March comes in like a lion…
It used to be all fields around here
Last time I wrote, I told you my imaginary tour through the whole island of Great Britain would take me to London. I wondered how I would illustrate it. When I was listening to the radio the other day, I heard a city dweller tell me how the countryside seemed like a distant dream to him now. And I can sympathize. Because the city seems like distant dream to me.
Blessed are the cheese makers
Well the first week of 2021 has been quite eventful, although not in anyway surprising. An attempted coup in Washington, a rampaging virus and everything is covered in ice.
Not the end of the world
I feel the months have slipped by so quickly, yet time has seemed to stand still.